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The UNC-CH Information Technology Executive Council (ITEC), formed in 2009, comprises senior-level administrators who bear primary responsibility and strategic influence for information technology-related services, infrastructure, and planning within their university major operating unit (MOU). The ITEC serves four primary purposes to support UNC-CH’s mission of teaching, research, and public service:

  • Collaborates to maximize the impact and ensure the success of all IT functions across campus.
  • Creates a mutually supportive learning community that promotes and shares technology and business best practices and encourages professional growth of IT staff.
  • Advises the CIO and other senior leaders on technology issues of campus-wide importance.
  • Influences campus-wide strategic directions with an information technology and/or digital transformation lens.

Clip art of notebook with a person


Chair: Charles Story, School of Law

Vice-Chair: Jason Martin, School of Pharmacy

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Meeting Frequency

First Thursday of each month

August through June

Clip art of a document and pen

Non-Sensitive Documents

Available upon request

Major Unit Representatives

  1. Georgia Allen, Kenan-Flagler School of Business
  2. Jeffrey Alpi, FPG Child Development Institute
  3. Kathy Anderson, School of Public Health
  4. Vicki Bradley, Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance
  5. Brian Cass, Sheps Center for Health Services Research
  6. Doug Edmunds, School of Dentistry
  7. Darren Goroski, School of Government
  8. Clint Gwaltney, Athletics
  9. Kenneth Gyan, School of Information and Library Sciences
  10. Mark Ingram, University Development
  11. Jill Jemison, School of Medicine
  12. Phil Kaufman, School of Social Work
  13. Andy Lang, College of Arts & Sciences
  14. RJ Libunao, School of Nursing
  15. Jason Martin, School of Pharmacy
  16. Emilio Medina, Enrollment Systems
  17. Hector Montes, Digital and Lifelong Learning
  18. Brian Nussbaum, School of Education
  19. Alex Azad, Finance & Operations
  20. Michael Sharpe, School of Media & Journalism
  21. Tim Shearer, University Libraries
  22. Rachel St. Clair, ITS
  23. Shawn Stevenson, School of Data Science and Society
  24. Charles Story, School of Law
  25. Ed Van Duinen, Carolina Population Center
  26. Scott Wilber, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
  27. Danny Nguyen, Student Affairs


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